Mumbai is set to witness a gradual increase in both day and night temperatures due to a shift in the wind pattern, which is predominantly northerly. “Today, the minimum temperature was around 17 degrees Celsius, but it will gradually rise over the next 48 hours due to this change in wind pattern,” Sunil Kamble, Director of the India Meteorological Department, …
The world is on track for a 'catastrophic' 3.1°C of global warming by the end of this century, the UN has warned. The world is on track for a 'catastrophic' 3.1°C of global warming by the end of this century, the UN has warned The UN warned the world was currently on track for temperature rises of 2.6°C to 3.1°C, …
Alok Sharma 'fought back tears' as the summit came to an end last night The Glasgow Pact was watered down after pressure from India and China There is fury from EU nations due to last-minute wording changes over coal Boris Johnson took a swipe at China and India tonight after they connived to water down a climate deal at Cop …