Vijay's ardent fans are kicked about his 45th birthday, which falls on June 22. They have already started the celebrations by trending various hashtags related to Vijay's birthday on Twitter. On June 21, at 6 PM, the production house, AGS Entertainment took to social media to announce the film's title and first-look poster. Taking to Twitter, Archana Kalpathi of AGS …
A new interesting rumour about Vijay's upcoming film Thalapathy 63, directed by Atlee, has taken everyone by surprise. Vijay has done more than one role in films like Azhagiya Tamizh Magan, Kaththi and Mersal, and it has worked in favour of the actor. His last film with Atlee, Mersal, turned out to be a blockbuster, and the director seems to …
Actor Jackie Shroff, who has joined the sets of the upcoming movie tentatively titled "Thalapathy 63", describes working with Tamil actor Vijay and the film's director Atlee as fabulous. Asked about being a part of the film, Jackie told IANS over phone from Mumbai: "It's just fab to work with Vijay, who is the son of S. A. Chandrasekhar my …