After the success of Sarkar, Vijay is presently busy with the shooting of Thalapathy 63. Directed by Atlee, the film is tipped to be a football-based drama starring Vijay, Nayanthara, Jackie Shroff, Kathir, Indhuja Ravichandran, Vivekh, Daniel Balaji and Yogi Babu in significant roles. The team of Thalapathy 63 is currently shooting in a massive football stadium set, which is …
Director Atlee and Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan were spotted sitting next to each other at the latest match of Chennai Super Kings, where it took on SRK's Kolkata Knight Riders at MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chepauk. More than the victory of the team, K-Town is now all about the meeting of Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee. Now, the recent meet …