Vijay's ardent fans are kicked about his 45th birthday, which falls on June 22. They have already started the celebrations by trending various hashtags related to Vijay's birthday on Twitter. On June 21, at 6 PM, the production house, AGS Entertainment took to social media to announce the film's title and first-look poster. Taking to Twitter, Archana Kalpathi of AGS …
After Sarkar's massive success, all eyes are now on Vijay's upcoming film, tentatively titled Thalapathy 63. Producer Archana Kalpathi took to Twitter to reveal that the title and first look of Thalapathy 63 will be announced on June 21, ahead of his birthday. This first look will exceed all expectations #ThalapathyBDayCelebrations " Here's the tweet: 21-06-19 / 5:59 pm will …
As fans are eagerly waiting for the new updates of Vijay's upcoming film Thalapathy 63, it is revealed that the first-look poster and the title of the upcoming film will be unveiled on June 22, which is the birthday of Vijay. For Sarkar, the makers teased the fans with two posters but for the upcoming film, Atlee has decided only …