Thalapathy Vijay is presently busy with the shooting of Thalapathy 64, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Thalapathy Vijay arrived in his luxury vehicle, Rolls Royce for the event. Here are the photos: According to sources, the actor will head to Shivmogga to join the Thalapathy 64 team. Thalapathy 64 boasts an ensemble cast including Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan, Arjun Das, …
After Bigil's mammoth success at the box office, actor Vijay is upbeat about his upcoming flick tentatively titled Thalapathy 64. Earlier, the team had announced that Malayalam actor Antony Varghese has been roped in to play a negative role in Thalapathy 64. According to the latest reports, Antony Varghese has been replaced by Tamil actor Arjun Das, who won laurels …
Vijay’s Bigil has surpassed the box office numbers of all Tamil films released this year. In an industry known for celebrating success with grand parties, Vijay silently moved on to his next project, a yet-untitled action thriller, dubbed Thalapathy 64 by fans, by Lokesh Kanagaraj of _ Kaithi -_fame. The film’s cast boasts of established actors and young faces including …
Thalapathy 64 starring Vijay, Vijay Sethupathi and Malavika Mohanan is one of the most exciting films in recent times. Playback singer Soundarya Nandakumar, who has acted in a television serial Pagal Nilavu, has been roped in to play one of the important roles in the film. She also acted in a famous short film titled Yours Shamefully and the popularity …