Brindavanam runs an eatery in a shack in Balaji Nagar in Coimbatore, a calm residential area less than five km from the airport. On July 30, the local media reported that the police seized an eagle “suspected to have been used by underworld kingpin Angoda Lokka” in his alleged drug trafficking ring. The Sri Lankan police believe Lokka fled the …
The digital devices of the man suspected to be Sri Lankan underworld operative Angoda Lokka, who died early this July in Coimbatore, are missing, according to police. Before the CB-CID took over the investigation on Monday, Coimbatore city police had recovered the digital devices of Amani Thanji, the Sri Lankan woman who was staying with the suspect, and two others …
The Crime Branch CID on Monday took over the investigation into the recent death of suspected Sri Lankan gangster Maddumage Lasantha Chandana Perera alias Angoda Lokka in Coimbatore. Director General of Police J.K. Tripathy transferred the investigation to CB-CID after reviewing reports of Coimbatore city police and 'Q' Branch, said sources. The illegal stay of Lokka in Coimbatore came to …