Meta chief executive Mark Zuckerberg's new luxury watch has been in the news after it was spotted on his wrist in a recent Instagram video. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg According to a Moneycontrol report, Zuckerberg was sporting the Octo Finissimo Ultra SOSC, the world's “thinnest” mechanical watch from Italian luxury product maker Bulgari. Bulgari's Octo Finissimo Ultra SOSC Here's all …
In 2025, Apple is expected to make big changes with new products, upgrades, and AI. iPhone 17 Air: Everything you need to know Design: Rumours suggest that the iPhone 17 Air is expected to be Apple’s thinnest flagship iPhone model. iPhone 17 Air may also come with a new anti-reflective coating making it scratch-resistant. Camera: As mentioned above, the iPhone …
Apple’s latest Hrithik Roshan Calls Apple’s New Ad ‘Sad’ Recently, Hrithik Roshan took to his Instagram stories to express his views on the controversial Apple British Actor, Filmmaker Also Slam Apple’s New Ad Before Hrithik, British actor Hugh Grant also called out Apple for its ad and wrote, “The destruction of the human experience. Courtesy of Silicon Valley.” Not just …