The LG V50 is said to be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 855 SoC and 4,000 mAh battery LG is reportedly joining the 5G bandwagon at MWC 2019, with the launch of the purported LG V50 ThinQ 5G. As per report by ETNews, LG has will be unveiling it’s first 5G handset under the V-series, along with G8 ThinQ. As for …
How many cameras are too many cameras? It boasts a not-so-ordinary dual camera setup with a whopping 40-megapixel sensor along with an eight-megapixel sensor fitted with a Leica lens capable of 3x optical zoom. To keep this high-class optical system running, the smartphone is powered Huawei’s in-house Kirin 980 processor based on a 7nm chipset coupled with 8GB of RAM …
LG launches a new smartwatch alongside LG V40 ThinQ smartphone called the LG Watch W7. The LG Watch W7 is the company's first hybrid smartwatch that comes combined with mechanical movement with digital functionalities that lets it blend in the LCD along with a pair of mechanical hands. Also, read: Samsung Galaxy Watch launched in India at Rs 24,990, starting …