The LG G7 ThinQ was quite a refreshing, feature-packed budget flagship that competed against the likes of OnePlus and Asus in India. The words “Goodbye Touch” could mean that LG is working on a model which works using a touchless gesture interface. The LG G8 ThinQ can reportedly recognise hand gestures from nearly 11-inches away using a sensor on the …
Earlier this year, LG unveiled its V35 ThinQ smartphone. LG V40 ThinQ is one of the few smartphones in the market, besides Huawei P20 Pro and Samsung Galaxy A7, to offer a triple rear camera setup. Internal storage: Unlike the RAM, the LG V40 ThinQ ships in two memory variants-- one with 64GB internal storage and the other with 128GB …
LG recently took the industry by a surprise with its new G7+ ThinQ smartphone, which is a great smartphone, to say the least. — Ankit.Today August 8, 2018 The LG G7+ ThinQ is priced at Rs 39,990, and sells exclusively on Flipkart India. However, during the e-commerce platform’s ‘The Big Freedom Sale’, you will be able to get the …