In a drunken brawl between two friends, a 25-year-old person was killed in Perungudi on Monday night. Arun went along with a few friends including Vinayagam went to consume liquor near Arun’s delivery office in Perungudi. The two friends took Arun to a nearby private hospital for treatment but the hospital authorities asked them to take the victim to a …
The Thoraipakkam police have arrested a 22-year-old man for allegedly murdering a 35-year-old woman, whose body was found stuffed in a suitcase near a construction site in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on Thursday. A senior official of the City Police said the victim M. Vellaiyammal, alias Deepa, was a resident of Ponniamman Medu near Madhavaram in Chennai. At around 6.30 a.m. …