SHOPPING — Contains affiliated content. One hundred times more powerful than LED, the LYMA Laser can be used to tackle an abundance of confidence-sapping issues, from acne, pigmentation and rosacea to scarring, wrinkles, thread veins and sagging skin. LYMA Laser One hundred times more powerful than LED, the LYMA Laser can be used to tackle an abundance of confidence-sapping issues, …
TOWIE may be synonymous with deep tans, big lips and hair extensions, but one of its biggest stars has decided to turn her back on the Essex look for good and embrace her natural beauty. TOWIE star Lauren, 30, says she wants to rid herself of congestion scars, red blemishes, pigmentation and broken veins caused, in part, by 16 years …
Bare legs are a badge of honour in the cycling world – a sign that you have finally joined the ranks of elite bikers. I had to immediately check the equipment to make sure it was real.’ CYCLING BEHIND SURGE IN NUMBERS OF MEN REMOVING THREAD VEINS Doctors have reported a sharp rise in the number of men wanting cosmetic …