Triumph India has launched the new Tiger 850 Sport in India with a price tag of Rs 11.95 lakh. The new Triumph Tiger 850 Sport gets all-LED headlight with signature DRLs. The new Triumph Tiger 850 Sport comes with Road and Rain riding modes, the latest-gen Triumph ABS and switchable traction control. Since the Triumph Tiger 850 Sport replaces the …
Triumph will launch the recently unveiled Tiger 850 Sport in India tomorrow. Speaking of the motor, the Triumph Tiger 850 Sport uses the same 888cc with a T-plane crank although power is limited to 84bhp@8,500rpm and 82Nm of peak torque at 6,500rpm. The new Tiger 850 Sport gets an impressively high spec chassis and equipment package, specifically tailored to maximise …
Triumph Motorcycles has recently shared photos of their soon-to-be-unveiled Tiger 850 Sport. The overall chassis and features of the Tiger 850 Sport are also similar to that of the Tiger 900 range. Sign up for exclusive updates: #ForTheRide — Triumph Motorcycles November 10, 2020 One of the biggest differences between Tiger 850 Sport and the already available Tiger …