Tiger mother 虎妈 内容简介 帮助你的孩子在人生中取得成功的最好的方法是什么?父母望子成龙、望女成凤。Neil 让他的孩子们整个夏天都在努力学习,上各种课外补习班、兴趣班,琴棋书画一个不拉。这样做的目的是确保他们能以优异的成绩通过考试,并掌握各种才艺技能。但是这种教育方式与 “tiger” 有什么关系呢?听节目,学习 “tiger mother” 和 “tiger parenting” 的用法。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Feifei Hi, Neil. Feifei 我的意思是你对孩子严加管教是为了督促他们刻苦学习,取得好成绩。A ‘tiger mother’ or tiger parenting describes a particular kind of strict upbringing. Feifei “Tiger mother” 最初被用来形容一些传统东亚家庭中常见的教育孩子的方式,不过任何人都可以采取这种方式。 Neil It appeared in a book by Chinese American law professor Amy Chua, who claimed her academic success was partly thanks to …
It is always good to be aware of the different methods of parenting to make a well-informed decision. With most parents stepping out of the home and pursuing diverse professions, they are today exposed to various parenting methods through interactions with their peers. Although these unconventional or unusual methods may be perceived as risky or strange, these can benefit a …