Mumbai: Mumbai Police arrested former journalist Ketan Tirodkar for issuing threats and defaming Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and likening him to the drug mafias. Tirodkar shared a video on social media and alleged that the Deputy CM helps the drug mafia and that he does not take strict actions against the drug mafia. "Former journalist Ketan Tirodkar threatened …
A Special CBI Court in Mumbai presided over by Special Judge MR Purwar, recently acquitted Faraz Sultan Khan, a Delhi-based individual accused of demanding Rs. The demand was allegedly made for securing a favourable order from the Bombay High Court regarding a case under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act in which Tirodkar is implicated. The court declared, "There …
The complaint filed by Wankhede states that the allegations levied by Tirodkar against him are baseless and false In a fresh twist in the Aryan Khan case, Sameer Wankhede has filed a police complaint against RTI activist Ketan Tirodkar. The Central Bureau of Investigation case is that Wankhede, former Mumbai zonal director of the Narcotics Control Bureau and four other …