A near-replica of Agra’s Taj Mahal has been making news this week, as reports about the marble mausoleum built in Ammaiyappan village, Tiruvarur, by a son for his mother who passed away in 2020, have been going viral online. Mr. Dawood, who is a rice merchant based out of Chennai, said that the resemblance to Taj Mahal was almost incidental. …
District Collector Dinesh Ponraj Oliver hoisted the tri-colour at a colourful ceremony held at the Armed Police Parade Grounds on Thursday. Grama sabha meeting Later in the day, Additional Collector N. O. Sukhaputra chaired the grama sabha meeting held at Maangudi village panchayat in Papanasam taluk. Tiruvarur Collector P. Gayathri Krishnan hoisted the National Flag at the District Collectorate Sports …