Only 47 per cent of shelter homes in Delhi are running with a valid license, according to a social audit report prepared by TISS Koshish, the DCW said on Tuesday. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has ordered officials to take action on the social audit report within a week, the panel added. The Delhi government and the Delhi Commission for Women …
Bihar has 17 such homes and the CBI is already probing the Muzaffarpur shelter home case. The Supreme Court on Wednesday transferred the inquiry into the alleged physical and sexual abuse of inmates at 17 shelter homes in Bihar to the Central Bureau of Investigation, despite strong opposition from the state government. The top court also laid down that the …
The Supreme Court slammed the Bihar government over its failure to file correct FIR in Muzaffarpur shelter home rape case and gave the Nitish Kumar government 24 hours to it add charges under section 377 of the IPC and the POCSO Act in the FIRs. The Supreme Court on Tuesday slammed the Bihar government over its failure to file correct …