The head of a deceased 10-year-old girl, who was buried over a week ago, went missing from her grave in Chitravadi village near Madhuranthakam in Tamil Nadu’s Chengalpattu district. Based on this complaint, police, in the presence of the district medical department officials and the district revenue department officials, dug the grave open and were shocked to find the girl’s …
A 15-year-old girl sustained injuries to her head after she fell off a moving private bus in Tamil Nadu's Namakkal on Monday. However, it is alleged that the private bus conductor had told the student that the bus would not stop at Dimmanayakanpatti, further asking her to get down as the bus slows down. While fellow passengers have blamed the …
The Madras High Court on Monday handed over probe into the alleged suicide of a 17-year-old girl in Tamil Nadu’s Thanjavur to the Central Bureau of Investigation amid allegations of a forced conversion attempt. The Class 12 student of a missionary school in Thanjavur had died on January 19 in Thanjavur College Hospital, 10 days after an alleged suicide attempt. …