Nagapattinam Lok Sabha member V. Selvaraj has submitted a set of railway-related demands pertaining to his constituency to Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw. In the memorandum, Mr. Selvaraj said the Nagapattinam Lok Sabha constituency, spread over Nagapattinam and Tiruvarur districts, had a large section of people whose primary occupation was agriculture and they travelled mostly by train because of the …
MAYILADUTHURAI: A leopard was spotted in the streets of Mayiladuthurai on Tuesday night. After confirming its presence, dozens of personnel from forest, fire and police departments have been searching for the leopard since Wednesday morning. Residents from Semmangulam in Mayiladuthurai reported to the police about the leopard roaming in the streets around midnight. An official from the police department said, …