Vijayawada: Chief Secretary Neerabh Kumar Prasad on Tuesday ordered safety audits once every three months at all hazardous industries in the state without fail. Talking about the industries department, the CS said a safety audit must be conducted once in three months in hazardous industries. Neerabh Kumar Prasad stated that there was a need to review various schemes and programs …
Nandan Geyasigu Pastoral Complex is located in Hechi's Nandan county. Its leading industries will be ecological rice and rural tourism, which are supplemented by the fruit and vegetable planting, Baiku Yao culture, as well as leisure agriculture industries. One belt refers to the Yao customs and ecotourism experience belt between Nandan and Libo; the four valleys refer to Daoxiang Valley, …
Wang Lei, director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, delivered a speech at the meeting. A committee meeting for the 2020 Shandong Tourism Development Conference was held on Sep 17 in Jinan, East China's Shandong province, stressing key tasks to accelerate provincial development of culture and tourism. As the 2020 Shandong Tourism Development Conference and the First …