Amidst the picturesque Taibai Lake New Area in Jining, Shandong province, the opening ceremony of the 2024 "Friendly Shandong" Camping Season was held on July 19, marking the start of a summer filled with outdoor adventures and unforgettable experiences. A highlight was the launch of an AI-powered Shandong Camping Map, an interactive digital guide that encompasses 247 campsites across 16 …
In Finland's remote Lapland region, the Santa Claus Village amusement park is a snowy wonderland of reindeer rides, ice castles, snowmobiles and igloo hotels where Christmas holds sway 365 days a year. But Lapland is also the homeland of the indigenous reindeer-herding Sami people, who protest that some in the tourist industry spread offensive stereotypes about Sami people and seek …