Over 50 lawyers staged a “road roko” protest in Chennai's Anna Salai Road on Thursday, protesting the brutal attack on a junior lawyer in Hosur on Wednesday. The lawyers were protesting the incident which occurred at the Hosur Court Complex when Kannan, a junior lawyer, was approached from behind by court clerk Anand Kumar. In response to the attack, lawyers …
CHENNAI: The first bench of the Madras High Court comprising acting Chief Justice R Mahadevan and Justice Mohammed Shaffiq on Tuesday told the police to crack down against fixing of unauthorised stickers on vehicles without fear and spare not a single violator. The instruction was given when a public interest litigation petition filed by Devadass Gandhi Wilson of Chennai seeking …
Chennai Metro Rail’s Airport to Kilambakkam line received a fillip as it will be carried out along with phase 2 project on priority and is likely to be implemented soon. The State government is likely to start operations in the Kilambakkam Bus Terminus by January next year, after which the traffic congestion will be exacerbated in the south, official of …
Editor’s note: In 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak upended lives and livelihoods of people in Tamil Nadu in myriad ways. If I were to follow these rules, then I can’t avail public transportation or even cross the road,” says Aruna Devi, a revenue official from Chennai. “If I were to follow these COVID-19 restrictions, then I wouldn’t be able to avail …