The upcoming black comedy series titled 'Choona' has booked its new release date. The series, which stars Jimmy Shergill, Namit Das, Aashim Gulati, Gyanendra Tripathi, Vikram Kochhar, Chandan Roy, Atul Srivastava, Monika Panwar and Niharika Lyra Dutt in key roles, will now release on Netflix on September 29. The series boasts of many laughter-filled moments, unexpected leadership gone wrong, some …
The much-awaited trailer of Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan’s epic action thriller Vikram Vedha was finally released on Thursday and it’s got everything that one could expect. From gruesome action sequences and epic one-liners to thrilling fight scenes and intense cat-and-mouse chase sequences, the trailer promises a near-faithful remake of the 2017 Tamil hit. Thankfully, Saif Ali Khan gets …
Ponniyin Selvan 1 trailer video was launched at a grand event held in Chennai. Ponniyin Selvan 1 Trailer Ponniyin Selvan's trailer released on Tuesday portrayed magnificent locations of the ancient era as the Cholas were seen fighting valiantly amid a power struggle in the 10th century. Watch Ponniyin Selvan 1 trailer video here: Aishwarya Rai, Trisha and Vikram win audience's …
Highlights Vikram will release on June 3 Vikram stars Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil Kamal Haasan's latest multilingual actioner 'Vikram' is all set to hit the theaters on June 3. On June 1, Kamal Haasan's Vikram was being projected on the world's tallest screen, Burj Khalifa. While the fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the film, …
The trailer of Vikram Bhatt’s new horror film, Ghost, is out and promises to shock the audience. Ghost trailer features Shivam Bhaargava and Sanaya Irani. Ghost revolves around Karan Khanna, an Indian origin politician living in the UK who has been accused of murdering his wife. Vikram had earlier told Mumbai Mirror in an interview, “The article caught my eye …