This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Kolkata tram, which has been an integral part of the city’s identity since 1873. The Tramjatra, a global collaboration of tram enthusiasts, artists, environmentalists, and communities, has been in motion in Melbourne in Australia, and Kolkata since 1996. Roberto D’Andrea, a retired tram driver and conductor from Melbourne, distributed specially designed Tramjatra …
The people of Kolkata on Sunday witnessed a unique parade of trams when eight tram cars criss-crossed across the north and south of the city. From the 100-year-old ‘Tram Scrubber’ used to clean tram tracks to trams named ‘Chaitali’, ‘Balaka’‘Bioscope’, ‘Partition Museum’ and ‘Art Gallery’ to an air-conditioned tram car — they were all part of the parade that chugged …