Former President of India, Ram Nath Kovind on Saturday encouraged the students to dream big, work hard and innovate while being resilient amidst life’s challenges. Abdul Kalam, Mr. Kovind said it was the transformative power of education that enabled the later to prosper in his career. I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress achieved by …
Unlocking spiritual bliss Ritoban Chakrabarti, the founder of Japam, advocates indulging in Reiki and spiritual healing, along with the mystical power of Rudraksha. While physical expressions of love may fade, Bhardwaj underscores that spiritual healing stands the test of time, making the bond between partners stronger and deeper. Explaining the principle that everything, including us, is a form of energy, …
In the rich tapestry of urban development, architecture stands as a powerful thread, weaving together the identity and economic prosperity of a city or region. In our rapidly changing world, where societies are increasingly mobile and interconnected, iconic buildings play a crucial role as landmarks that anchor a city’s identity on the global stage. As we continue to evolve, these …