The first look of Anvitaa Dutt’s upcoming musical drama Qala was released on Tuesday. The film stars Tripti Dimri in the titular role and the first poster of the film showcases her as a classical musician weilding a sitar. The poster shows Tripti as the titular Qala sitting atop a takht wearing a simple saree and jewellery and holding a …
After informing his fans about completing the first schedule of his debut film, late actor Irrfan Khan son Babil announced that he will make his acting debut with a Netflix Original film titled Qala. Talking about Tripti Dimri, the actress made her acting debut with the 2017 film Poster Boys but rose to fame with Imtiaz Ali's Laila Majnu which …
Actor Anushka Sharma took to Instagram Stories to share a picture of brother and producer Karnesh Sharma and actor Tripti Dimri. Anushka Sharma and Karnesh Sharma own a production company called Clean Slate Filmz. Sharing the picture, she wrote "major missing", tagging Karnesh, Tripti among others. Reviewing Paatal Lok, the Hindustan Times had said: "Paatal Lok is a stunning achievement …