Vaibhav Gehlot, the son of Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, appeared before the Enforcement Directorate on Monday to get his statement recorded in connection with an inquiry into alleged foreign exchange rule violations. VIDEO | Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot's son and Rajasthan Cricket Association president Vaibhav Gehlot arrives at ED office in Delhi to appear before the agency in an …
The Enforcement Directorate conducted raids on the Fairmont Hotel in Jaipur on Monday where Ratan Kant Sharma, close aide of Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot’s son, Vaibhav Gehlot, has stakes. Sharma was a director in Vaibhav’s company, the Sun Light Car Rental Services also, while Vaibhav was a legal advisor to Triton Hotels and Resorts Pvt Ltd and even received a …