The Jodhpur bench of the Rajasthan High Court cancelled the anticipatory bail of an Air Force personnel on the grounds that he allegedly misrepresented and hid material true facts when he argued his anticipatory bail which was eventually granted last year. Justice Farjand Ali observed that during the proceedings of anticipatory bail, the counsel appearing for the accused had only …
Holding that the mosque management committee must get “some breathing time” to appeal against the Friday order, a bench, headed by Chief Justice of India Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, stayed the district court’s order for a little over 48 hours to let the committee approach the Allahabad high court in appeal. But the bench eventually stayed the district court order till …
The Madhya Pradesh High Court recently refused to interfere with the charge framed against an Advocate under the POCSO Act for 'ill-advising' the accused and Prosecutrix in a rape case, suggesting them 'not to disclose true facts to the police'. Justice Sanjay Dwivedi was dealing with a criminal revision preferred by the Applicant aggrieved by order of the trial court, …