In a legal stalemate spanning three years, stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui continued to evade formal charges in the 2021 case, where he and four others were arrested on accusations of making objectionable remarks about Hindu deities during a show in Indore. "Our investigation into the matter is underway, and chargesheet has not been submitted to the court yet," Tukoganj police …
Agrima Kaur Khan, who until recently was known as Agrima Joshua, has issued another statement weeks after begging profusely for forgiveness from the Shiv Sena, the MNS and the NCP during the controversy she was involved in after mocking the Chhatrapati Shivaji Memorial in Maharashtra. Agrima Joshua said, “Comedian Munawar Farooqi is in jail at Tukoganj Police station in Indore. …