Residents of K. Sathanur and nearby areas staged a road blockade near the Udayanpatti railway gate on Saturday, demanding the completion of the long-delayed underground drainage project on the K. Sathanur-Udayanpatti Road. Work on the UGD project, covering a 2-km stretch along the arterial K. Sathanur-Udayanpatti Road under Wards 63 and 64 of the Tiruchi Corporation, has been going on …
Work on Phase IV of the underground drainage project, covering the peripheral areas in the city, is likely to commence within this month. With the implementation of the new project, the official said, the coverage of the underground drainage system in the city would increase to more than 90%. The Corporation, under Phase II, Phase III, and the Smart Cities …
Coimbatore Corporation has taken up new underground drainage projects covering the added areas of the city under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0 scheme. Last month, the Corporation sent a detailed project report to the State Government for carrying out underground drainage works in the added areas of the city. Subsequently, the Union Government gave its consent …