Mumbai: Zomato Ltd, an Indian food-delivery service, has agreed to buy local grocery-delivery start-up Blinkit for Rs 4,447 crore in an all-stock deal, as competition in the quick-delivery market heats up. Deepinder Goyal, founder, and chief executive of Zomato, believes that quick commerce has been the company’s strategic priority since last year when it first invested in Blinkit. Zomato’s capacity …
We all have what it takes to do exactly what we want to do in life, no matter what anyone else says. The trick is to make the right kind of trade-offs without losing your anchors: growth versus unit economics; speed versus being thoughtful; strong accountability versus providing support; frugality versus investing in the right capabilities; goal-orientation versus people-orientation. Delegate …
Bengaluru: Online food ordering and discovery platform Zomato notched up strong revenue growth over the last year, but expenses skyrocketed at a much faster pace. Revenue at the Gurgaon-based company shot up from $68 million in FY18 to $206 million in FY19, primarily driven by its delivery vertical, according to the company’s annual report released on Friday. As food delivery …