Meta Platforms Inc. Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg recently shared some photographs on Instagram, showing him lying on a hospital bed. A photograph, wherein a woman can be seen taking care of Zuckerberg, went viral on Sunday, with netizens taking potshots at corporate culture, engineers and designers. Sharing the image, another social media user said, "Software engineers after commenting out …
For every student and parent, result day can be extremely daunting. Recently, a Twitter user shared how their house help's son passed the 10th grade and what she gave them as a gift. House help celebrates son passing class 10 with mangoes. "House help got us 2 mangos today since her kid passed in 10th boards," wrote Twitter user Utkarsh …
We often come across funny videos that create a stir on the internet. Recently, one such hilarious video of a bride dancing to the popular Bhojpuri song Le Le Aayi Coca Cola has been making a huge noise on the internet. In the now-viral video, the groom is seen standing next to her bride and encouraging her to groove to …
With more than 13,000 infected cases and 31 deaths in Germany, chancellor Angela Merkel said the novel coronavirus pandemic is the greatest challenge in decades. Facebook user Holden Evelyn posted the video claiming that thousands are rushing to this store to stock pile their supplies. Facebook post claiming thousands are rushing to this store to stock pile their supplies The …