Hollywood's big night at the Oscars on Sunday, March 10, in Los Angeles marked the day with 'Oppenheimer' raking in three awards with Robert Downey Jr was named best supporting actor. Here's how social media reacted to Oscar 2024: One user stated, “Me remembering Jamie Lee Curtis won Best Supporting Actress instead of Stephanie Hsu last year.” A second user …
Sushant Singh Rajput left an irreplaceable mark in the industry. Recently, a Twitter user remembered how the late actor and filmmaker Shekhar Kapur used to interact on the micro-blogging app. Reacting to the tweet, the filmmaker wrote: "I miss exploring philosophy and physics with Sushant. Another tweeted, "An infinte living mind still journeying his another lifetime in aeons of former …
The widow of the late Senator John McCain has apologized after Phoenix Police refuted her claim that a woman of a ‘different ethnicity’ than her toddler was engaged in human trafficking. ‘I tell people “Trust your gut.” Cindy McCain, the widow of late Senator John McCain, told a Phoenix radio station on Monday that she witnessed a case of human …