Shilpa Shetty’s husband and entrepreneur Raj Kundra, recently made his acting debut in Bollywood with the film UT69. Kundra also hinted that he will not be appearing on Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan soon as he said in a rapid-fire segment, “Koffee with Karan pe kisi ka bhala nahi hua hai.” When asked, which actress would he cast opposite himself, …
In November, several movies including Tiger 3, The Marvels, UT69 and The Lady Killer will release in theatres as well as on OTT platforms. 3) BTS Yet to Come A concert film on K-pop group, BTS, will start streaming on Prime Video from November 9. Directed by Avinash Arun, Three of Us is set to hit theatres on November 3. …