The Kerala High Court took up a petition seeking the publication of data on the number of vaccines supplied to different vaccine centers in Kerala. Post after a week," the Order reads In Court today, the petitioner's counsel Advocate R Leela referred to instances of overcrowding at vaccine centers and averred that the same could be averted if there was …
The Kerala High Court, acting on news reports of overcrowding at vaccine centers in Trivandrum and Kochi instituted suo motu proceedings taking cognizance of overcrowding at vaccine centers.In its Order, the Court noted, "We have been alerted by press reports that there is uncontrolled crowding of persons seeking vaccinations for COVID-19." The Kerala High Court, acting on news reports of …
Indian digital mapping and location-based technology company MapmyIndia has released an update for the MapmyIndia navigation app that now lists all the COVID-19 vaccine centers in India. In fact, the Government of India’s official COVID vaccine registration portal,, also uses the MapmyIndia Maps and APIs to deliver the search results and information to users who want to register for …
Nurse Maria Pantoja gives a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine to a person at a site run by Los Angeles County at the Pomona Fairplex on Wednesday. The United States could see “open season” for COVID-19 vaccine doses by April, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday, an optimistic forecast that comes as states continue to clamor for additional supplies to ramp …