Actor Dhanush’s bilingual film that is titled Vaathi in Tamil and Sir in Telugu, will release in cinemas on 2 December. Born Venkatesh Prabhu Kasthuri Raja, Dhanush made his film debut with Thulluvadho Ilamai, a 2002 coming-of-age film directed by his father, Kasthuri Raja. 100 crore club within a month of its theatrical release besides winning the actor his second …
Vetri Maaran-Dhanush's dream project, which took about three years for completion, is finally out and it has got a big thumbs up from the audience and the critics. Surendhar MK October 17, 2018 Halfway through #VadaChennai and what a thrill fest it's been so far. Haricharan Pudipeddi October 17, 2018 #VadaChennai Interval - Unadulterated portrayal, too raw and too deep. …