The Bharatiya Janata Party’s announcement of naming Akali turncoat and former MLA Inder Iqbal Atwal as its candidate for the Jalandhar bypoll has caused huge resentment among rank and file of the Punjab BJP with leaders and cadre terming the party move demoralising. Inder Iqbal Atwal, also known as Rinku, had joined the BJP only three days back and his …
In the ongoing Uttar Pradesh elections, every time the BJP talks of improved security of women and daughters, the Opposition tosses the Hathras incident, where a Dalit girl was allegedly raped and killed by four upper caste men, at it. What one overhears is an upper caste man addressing a Dalit, a cousin of the deceased, with a two-word, pointed …
His eyes have begun to glaze over with a cataract, his voice croaks with age. He was a young man in his teens in 1956 when Dr BR Ambedkar came to the place where he has lived all his life, the Chakki Paat Jatav Basti in Agra, and inaugurated a “Buddh Vihar”, a small temple to Lord Buddha, which now …