The forest officials in Bihar’s West Champaran found a tiger lying dead in the forest of Valmiki Tiger Reserve on Sunday evening in yet another incident of territorial fight rampant in the forest. The carcass of the big cat was recovered from compartment number 55 of Maguraha forest range of Valmiki Tiger Reserve, located in West Champaran district, officials said. …
Bihar’s Valmiki Tiger Reserve has recorded a 75 per cent increase in tiger count, from 31 in 2018 to 54 in 2022, and has also been declared as “very good” among the 51 tiger reserves in the country, according to a report by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, which was released on the International Tiger Day on Saturday. Tiger reserves …
The Valmiki Tiger Reserve, the only tiger reserve of Bihar in West Champaran district, has been asked to tighten security and ensure safety of tigers, leopards and other wildlife species at the reserved forest over concerns of poaching. During the monsoon month of ‘Shrawan’, thousands of devotees from Nepal and from across the state visit Lord Shiva temples, such as …
A farmer was critically injured in a bear attack near the Valmiki Tiger Reserve of west Champaran in Bihar, officials said on Friday. A forest officer said the patrolling in the area has been intensified According to villagers, the victim, Ramesh Manjhi, 40, a resident of Bagahi Sakhuwani village, was injured near Malchangawa village on the fringe of the Gorberdhana …