The makers of Firefly have released the film’s teaser. Produced by Niveditha Shivarajkumar, daughter of Kannada superstar Shivarajkumar, the film is written and directed by Vamshi, who also plays the lead in the movie. The quirky teaser shows the world of the lead character Vicky, who identifies himself as an “award-winning Maths teacher.” The video shows Vicky grappling with his …
Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu is gearing up for a massive opening on January 11. One excited user wrote, “Thalapathy is coming to rule Box office records.” Another expressed their confidence in the film and penned, “This poster also shows a feel-good moment. Thalapathy is always charming and fit to do any role.” Thalapathy is coming to rule Box office records 💯💥😎 …