HYDERABAD: The National Investigation Agency conducted raids at the house of Varavara Rao's nephew and 'Veekshanam' editor N Venugopal early Thursday morning in Himayatnagar. The raids were reportedly conducted based on information that he is connected with top CPI-Maoist leader Sanjoy Deepak Rao's case. Venugopal said, "The NIA raided my house in connection with the case related to Sanjoy Deepak …
Published : Aug 10, 2023 11:00 IST - 4 MINS READ Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous Telugu poet and activist Varavara Rao is a thin, wiry man with the kind of leanness that Julius Caesar found scary in Cassius in Shakespeare’s play. For equality Edited by former journalist and …
Even at the ripe age of 82 and in fragile condition of health, his day starts with a brief morning walk. After completing MA from Osmania University, Mr. Rao taught at a couple private colleges before joining the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Government of India as a publication assistant. Mr. Rao penned over 17 books of poems …
As we step into 2022, LiveLaw brings to you a yearly Round-up of important cases pertaining to the controversial Unlawful Activities Act, 1967 from the Supreme Court, High Courts and trial courts across the country. Writ Jurisdiction Can Be Exercised To Grant Bail On Health Grounds Even When Bail Has Been Rejected On Merits Under UAPA : Bombay High Court …