Pune: The defence in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case claimed on Wednesday that no damaged hard disk was ever recovered from Telugu poet and activist Varavara Rao’s residence by the Pune police last year. PTI Advocate Rohan Nahar, his lawyer, filed an application before the trial court, seeking clarification on media reports that the police were going to seek the …
The Pune Police have decided to seek help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the domestic intelligence and security service of the US, to retrieve data from a damaged hard disk seized from the house of ‘Urban Naxal’ Varavara Rao, who is accused plotting to kill PM Modi and Elgar Parishad violence. Read: ‘Urban Naxals’ wanted to kill PM Modi …
Pune Police have decided to seek help from FBI, the domestic intelligence and security service of the US, to retrieve data from a damaged hard disk seized from the house of Telugu poet Varavara Rao arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case,an official said on Thursday. Pune: Pune Police have decided to seek help from FBI, the domestic intelligence and …