Telugu poet Varavara Rao, accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, has approached the Bombay High Court seeking permission to travel to Hyderabad to undergo cataract surgery in both his eyes. Justice R. G. Avachat issued notice to NIA in the plea challenging trial court’s order rejecting his request to travel to Hyderabad and stay there for three months. The application …
The National Investigation Agency sent legal notices to two relatives of Telugu poet and writer Varavara Rao, currently in custody over a case filed in connection with Elgar Parishad. NIA notice adds to our family distress at a time when Varavara Rao’s health condition is not very good and the pandemic is fast spreading in Mumbai,” claimed Satyanarayana, in a …
Two sons-in-law of Telugu poet and writer Varavara Rao, who has been arrested in connection with the Elgar Parishad case, on Monday said they have been issued notices by the NIA seeking their appearance before the agency. Varavara Rao and nine other activists have been arrested by Maharashtra police in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist link case which was initially probed by …
The NHRC on Friday directed the Maharashtra state chief secretary and D-G of prisons to submit a report about Varavara Rao’s health condition within two weeks The National Human Rights Commission on Friday issued a notice to the Maharashtra government on jailed Telugu poet P Varvara Rao’s health, following outrage over the conditions in which he was kept at a …