The National Investigation Agency told the Bombay High Court that it would send a “wrong signal” if Varavara Rao, a Telegu poet and an accused in the Elgar Parishad case, is set free. Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh and advocate Sandesh Patil, who appeared on behalf of the NIA, opposed all three applications moved by Rao, with Singh arguing that …
The Bombay High Court on Monday adjourned till September 24 the hearing on the plea for interim bail extension of poet-activist Varavara Rao, an accused in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, and said he need not surrender to Taloja prison authorities till September 25. In its affidavit filed before the HC on Monday, the NIA said, “The medical reports filed …
The National Investigation Agency has opposed 81-year-old PV Varavara Rao's plea to extend his medical bail, saying that his reports don't disclose a "major ailment" which necessitates the extension of bail or require him to reside at his home in Hyderabad. NIA's Affidavit The affidavit filed by NIA SP Vikram Khalate in the Bombay High Court states that Taloja Central …
The National Investigation Agency on Monday opposed poet-activist Varavara Rao's bail plea before the Bombay High Court, saying the Elgar Parishad case accused was being provided with the best possible medical aid and that the prison authorities would continue to offer him adequate medical treatment whenever required. "Jail authorities have stated they will continue taking care so nothing remains in …