Actor Ranveer Singh has said that the return of captured Indian Air Force pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman to India, after two days in Pakistan, is a moment to rejoice. Speaking at the India Today Conclave, Ranveer said that his latest film, Gully Boy was released on the same day as the attack, on February 14. Abhinandan has been released …
Indian Air Force pilot Abhinandan Varthaman's parents got a standing ovation on board flight to Delhi. Air Marshal S. Varthaman and Shobha Varthaman recieving a round of applause from the fellow passengers who made way to allow the couple to alight from the aircraft. After his jet crashed on Wednesday, Wing Commander Abhinandan ejected safely, but was taken into custody …
Although hostilities by Pakistan on the Indian border continue to present risks of an escalation in military conflict, its decision to return Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman will help in pulling the two countries back from the edge. For India, it will be a major diplomatic win, being able to create enough pressure to bring back their pilot unharmed from Pakistan’s …