Thalapathy Vijay's upcoming flick, Bigil, is all set for a grand release on Diwali, this October. Verithanam marks the first collaboration of composer AR Rahman and actor Vijay. Even though the two teamed up for Azhagiya Thamizh Magan, Vijay didn't lend his voice for a song in the album. The motivational song turned out to be a major hit among …
It was only a few days ago that producer Archana Kalpathi of AGS Entertainments announced that the first song from Bigil, Verithanam, is sung by Vijay himself. On July 16, another track from Bigil titled Singa Penne found its way to the internet and has gone viral on social media. The leaked song is said to have been recorded from …
Thalapathy Vijay is upbeat about his upcoming film Bigil, which is all set to release on Diwali 2019. The film marks the third collaboration of Vijay and director Atlee after delivering two blockbuster hits namely, Theri and Mersal. AR Rahman, in an earlier interview, appreciated director Atlee's vision and stated that he hasn't done a film like this in South …