Kamal Haasan is presently shooting for Indian 2, helmed by directed by Shankar. In a recent interview to The Hindu, the director confirmed that he has initiated talks with Kamal Haasan for the second part of Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu. Reportedly, Gautham Menon has narrated a script to Kamal Haasan and the latter seems quite thrilled about the film. Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu was …
I meet Gautham Vasudev Menon at his office on a very Gautham Menon-esque day. In fact, the idea behind the song ‘Maruvarthai’ was based on that voice.” Coming soon Gautham Menon will kick-start his next venture, an action drama with a new star, the announcement of which will be made soon. “All of us are directing a 28-minute segment on …