In Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly district, a Hindu fast food hawker named Bhupendra was allegedly assaulted by some Muslim men Abdul, Pappu and two others, after the accused persons abused the victim on 22nd December. In his complaint, the victim, a resident of Kesarpur village in the Bhuta Bareilly police station area, said that he was going to the market at …
The victim, identified as Qasim, was promptly transported to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, where his condition is reported to be stable In yet another shocking incident from Delhi, a man was seen brutally stabbing another man on the road, while bystanders did nothing to help him on Thursday night. The man can be seen lying motionless on …
Police in Amsterdam released details on Friday about a man who was assaulted with belts and bike chains at a taxi stand next to Central Station in Amsterdam three weeks ago. In a statement about the incident, police said a group of about ten people were involved in the attack. The attack on the 21-year-old victim took place on De …
An 18-year-old teen was brutally attacked with sticks and iron rods by a group of 20 to 25 people at his father's shop in Hisar's Uklana town. The victim has been identified as Mohit Kumar, a student of Class 12 and he suffered injuries and is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Hisar. KIN DEMAND ACTION Meanwhile, the kin of …
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