Former Bigg Boss 14 contestant Shardul Pandit has slammed Bigg Boss OTT contestants for age-shaming Shamita Shetty who is also a participant on the ongoing reality show. Shardul Pandit is angry with contestants for age-shaming Shamita Shetty on Bigg Boss OTT. Arey itne jawan ho to bournvita quiz contest mai jao na sab.” A video clip had shown Muskaan aka …
“@China” global short video contest now accepting submissions “我与中国”全球短视频大赛作品火热征集中 The “@China” global short video contest, 日前,由人民日报社主办的“我与中国”全球短视频大赛作品征集正式启动。活动面向全球各国短视频创作者、爱好者、网络博主等征集作品,2019年6月18日起至2019年8月15日,参赛者登录大赛官网(上传时长为3分钟以内的视频作品,即可参与比赛。 The contest will run from June to September and is divided into multiple stages including submission gathering, judge evaluation, public viewing, and outstanding work recognition. To allow more of the world to get to know about China, People’s Daily, in conjunction with the hottest …