Sushmita Sen is in quarantine with boyfriend Rohman Shawl and daughters. The actor has shared a video in which she asks her younger daughter Alisah about her life in isolation and pat comes the reply, “boring”. Renee, Rohman Shawl and Alisah spoke about their time in quarantine in a video shared by Sushmita Sen. #duggadugga.” In the video, Sushmita isn’t …
Sushmita Sen's brother Rajeev Sen recently got married to television actress Charu Asopa. Charu Asopa's mother gifted Suhmita Sen 'Shaadi Ka Joda', which made her happy. She wrote, “I love you Maa @neelam_asopa here’s Charu’s Mom, dad, sister & brother what a loving & gracious family you married into bhai @rajeevsen9 truly special people @asopacharu I love you guys!! !” …
Sushmita Sen and Rohman Shawl are among the cutest couples of B-town. Recently, the Biwi No.1 actress took to Instagram to share an adorable picture with Rohman. Sushmita shared the picture saying, "Come run away with me @rohmanshawl I love #us #sharing #memories #outshopping #newyork #happiness #love #friendship Nice shot Neel!! Earlier, Sushmita took to Instagram to share a romantic …
For the past one week, Sushmita Sen has been making headlines due to her relationship with model Rohman Shawl. Recently, Sushmita shared a video on Instagram, where Rohman can be seen taking music lessons with her daughter Renee. Sushmita was full of glowing praise and captioned the video, "Music is a #vibration of happiness". ALSO WATCH: Sushmita Sen gets candid …