Actor Viineet Kumar Singh, who plays the lead role in zombie horror show Betaal, has said he was experimenting with the new Red Chillies’ web series and added that he will not choose project in fear of what people will say. Viineet Kumar Singh plays an army officer in Betaal. If people can see Wasseypur in Sirohi’s character or Mukkabaaz …
Betaal Cast: Viineet Kumar Singh, Ahana Kumra, Jitendra Joshi Directors: Patrick Graham, Nikhil Mahajan “What is dead may never die." This majestic line from Game of Thrones sums up the new Netflix series, presented by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment, that is oscillating in between a jump-scare zombie show and a profound comment on corporate greed and neo-colonialism. Initially, …