CM launches Jagananna YSR Badugu Vikasam VIJAYAWADA: Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy on Monday launched ‘Jagananna YSR Badugu Vikasam’ as part of special industrial policy 2020-23, that will benefit industrialists from SC and ST communities. Speaking on the occasion, he said that the new scheme was launched during the auspicious Dasara festival hoping that the people from SC and …
Hari Venkata Ramana’s notebooks were always filled with doodles as a child. Hari co-founded Visakha Cartoonistula Sangham in 1996, an association that conducts workshops and exhibitions for children and non-governmental organisations. Hari along with M Malini, Director of Chaitanya Sravanthi recently launched a new book about child trafficking. He is currently working on the sequel of the same book For …